Tuesday, 15 March 2011

...and while a diligent student, she must work faster.

That is what I would expect to hear if my crafting was reported a teacher. It's taken me 4 weeks to complete this "cheat" quilt.  Why a cheat? The fabric is printed with the patchwork and so it's just quilting not piecing. 

Masie's quilt

Anyway, on a whim I decided to make this for my neighbours now 1 month old first baby. 
I hope they like it.

And, well, as much as I understand why teacher said I should work faster, I have been also: blog reading and following M is for make's posts on sewing from Japanese craft books 
finishing up some projects i started and helping my Dad as he is not well at the moment.

Just before i go, I just want to mention Pink Peguin who is having a giveaway for Japan and can also help you find people who are missing.

Well, time to get back to it. 