Tuesday, 19 June 2012

Quick envelope baby quilt

One of the children's previous teachers at school announced that she was pregnant.  I decided to make a little something for the baby before she went on maternity leave.  I tried to find out if there was any idea as to colour scheme for the nursery; neutral was the answer.  That didn't give me much to work with!

So on a trip to the local fabric shop (that has recently bumped up it's crafting cottons) I found something that was neutral, fun and not too gender specific.

Time was not on my side, as usual, so I have no before photos.

I enveloped the quilt so no binding and quilted on the grid using an idea from Red Pepper Quilts.  I didn't do it exactly the same as I hadn't pieced either side, so I just turned it through and quilted up and down without stopping.  I like the results though...

And from the lovely thank you I received I'm sure that the teacher does too!  
She had a boy!

Tuesday, 12 June 2012

Wearable art

Probably about February I joined my local embroidery guild and before the cheque cleared I was into a project.  The brief is wearable art and between us we have come up with something that should be pretty cool.  I don't know how much I am allowed to say about it but I figure I can show my bit.

Each of us have a diamond to decorate that is going onto the final garment.  The theme is the Jubilee and I thought that maybe I could get away with doing the Union Flag.  There was a "think outside the shape" moment when I realised I couldn't make it rectangular and hopefully it's different enough not to be dull.

So around this time I was beginning to worry that the idea wasn't going to work...

but there was no going back.  When I went to get a cup of tea and came back to this

I could see the design coming together!!
After many hours of sewing sequins on, I am done!!  Unfortunately I don't think the 60 shows up as much in photos as in person and even then you can miss it. Oh well, for a first go and with not much time I am over the moon.

Tuesday, 5 June 2012

Quick sewing - pincushion

I few weeks ago I decided to try out the pincushion pattern at Very Berry Handmade.
As always, I had limited time and wanted to use up some of my scraps.  I would have to say that it is a lovely pattern and very quick.


It's nothing like pincushion my friend made, but then she has the patience of a saint!