Thursday, 24 January 2013


Still technologically challenged ( no computer ) so another quick post with 1 photo!

I've just spent about an hour basting this quilt. Possibly my least favourite part of any quilt, as I have to do this on the floor and my knees argue with me.

An hour is plenty of time to think and I wondered, should I have planned my pinning based on my quilting?

I have tried to and even got the tape measure out to check I wouldn't be pinning where I would stitch but I'm not sure if I have the idea right.

So if you have any basting tips they will be gratefully received!

Wednesday, 16 January 2013

It's so quiet, shh...

It's been quiet here because the computer is still in for repair.

There is also change at home which requires lots of early nights and organisation. Not sure how long that will be for so I'm trying to keep a steady pace. Plus a job change in a few weeks for me.

This is not say that I am doing nothing. Lucy at Attic24 has a mass of quick and easy patterns that I have been trying out.

I have totally used her idea and made a hearts and flowers wreath. I think with all the bits that I have made, and its size, it has come out well. I'm hoping to finish it this week and give it to a friend I will be not seeing so much of when I change jobs.

I don't think I have ever been so nervous about leaving a job before.

Hoping to show you some sewing soon.

Monday, 7 January 2013

New fabric!

This fabric, from Pink Castle Fabrics, is for a quilt for D&H.

I found a free quilt design website (think it is called quiltmania but not 100%) which also works out how much fabric you need.

D is a mad cyclist and H is very good for and to him! So the echino, cycling in brown, is the fussy cut centre of the churn dash blocks I'm planning to do. For once I've also remembered to buy the backing fabric.

I did a trial block the size I had set on the design website and found it was too small. The one I had done before is a better size
(Promise I will put pictures in when the pc is fixed).

So I will be filing this stash away for a short while, while I get some more w.i.p.'s done

Saturday, 5 January 2013

Happy New Year!

So there were to be posts about the other quilt making that I slotted in, some crochet that I've started and new year plans.

Then my laptop broke and I am doing everything from my phone *sob*

So instead here is a shot of the embroidery that I started yesterday after finding out that I need a piece for an exhibition in April. If you look back at past posts, I'm sure you will see that I am not the fastest or most productive crafter. Not panicking yet...