Friday, 13 April 2012

Cute little Dumpling and a sale!

A year or so ago, in my wandering around blogs, I came across Keyka Lou with lots of lovely patterns for sale.

There were so many patterns that I wanted to buy, but I wanted to try out a tutorial to see how I would get on with their instruction style.

This was the result of the tutorial that I found for a dumpling purse.

Dumpling purse Dumpling purse

The instructions were clear and detailed so there were no moments of doubt.  I think that the pattern pieces are always A4 size so you may have to tape together some but you can always print at home.  There are links, in the document, back to the Keyka Lou website for hints and tips on getting the best finish. I could go on and on...

Well, Keyka Lou are currently having an anniversary sale, all patterns are $5.  I already have probably half of them and I can't recommend them more highly and no I get nothing for doing this, just the chance to show you my little purse :-)