Saturday, 13 April 2013

An early finish

when I'm at work I like to use any free time to create, just to keep me busy!  I don't have a particularly high finish rate but even when I do finish something I forget to photograph or blog about it, which was the point of me doing this blog!

So these are finishes from some time ago that are currently in an exhibition at a Clandon Park:

Just after the new year, I was fabric shopping with a friend from the Guild who said "so have you started your piece for Clandon?"  There was much confusion and a degree of fear from me and lots of "you'll be fine" from her!  Well, I panicked and while babysitting for another friend decided to get started.

I've always wanted to do something based on the tree of life and this is it.  It's based on lots of different ideas but as usual with me I needed to keep it simple.

This piece I completed in my lunch breaks at work (previous job).  It really was a 'I need something to do for the free half hour of lunch' project and I love it, so does the girl.  Unfortunately for her, it sold!  And will be going to a new home in Devon next week

This mini quilt was my hand project for last summer holiday.  Which I had fun finishing and I'm guessing I've got away with including as I'm quite new to the embroidery game.

If you have time between now and next Wednesday, I recommend a trip to Clandon Park.  The house looks interesting and the textiles exhibition is stunning.  I've very lucky to be in a Guild of such talented people!

Linking up to Crazy Mom Quilts


Chris said...

Love the mini quilt. Nice finish!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your finish!