Sunday, 6 October 2013

I made it through the wilderness...

So things are not quite back to regular yet and I've been arguing with a cold this week.  Not much of a fight needed as I managed to work all week.  So I decided to plan in some sewing over the weekend just to even things out.

Hoorah! I'm managed my bee blocks for this month already.  The mushrooms are from here and I'm hoping that the improv'd filler block is ok.  
FQR Bee blocks
Now just have to remember to post them!

Then there was a bit of binding, didn't get done; an ATC, can't decide which design to do and if I need more fabric (no I don't but when did that ever stop me) and a needle book which I need to finish start very soon but like the ATC, can't decide on the design and then I have to pick fabric.  I see evening sewing in my near future...

With all that indecision I made a mug rug instead.  

Mug rug

It's ok, there were some moments with the inner corners but I found a solution.

I also washed a finished quilt.  
Just wing it quilt
Need to work on my photographic staging!
Something that would have happened weeks ago if the colour catchers had been bought!!  I like it with the soft crinkle.  I started this so long ago and now it's finished I can see all the things that hopefully I have improved on since I started it!

Anyway, with yet more significant changes happening tomorrow, here is hoping that the week is full of fun for you and me!

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